Wearable Therapy™ for Children
AxioBionics works with children with an array of disabilities to facilitate the best possible rehabilitation outcome.
Our Wearable Therapy™ systems activate unused muscles and boost therapy time well beyond traditional rehabilitation.
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Wearable Therapy™ can be fit to all four limbs and trunk and designed to stimulate most muscles.
Set-up is quick and easy enough to do at home.
Imagine boosting therapy time to 12 hours per day.
Children with physical disabilities are prone to musculoskeletal problems because they lack the movement generated by muscle that is necessary for normal development.
Wearable Therapy™ is a practical tool to ensure that muscles are given the proper amount of therapy each and every day.
Wearable Therapy™ puts activity back in muscles that lack control or are too weak to contract.

Wearable Therapy™ is easy and quick to apply so that the child spends more time receiving therapy.
We have worked with children as young as one year of age.
Parents do not have to be experts in electrode placement to use Wearable Therapy™. The electrodes are located within the garment, ensuring consistent accuracy of placement and ease of application.

Wearable Therapy™ is the most comprehensive muscle stimulation system available.
Most major muscle groups can be targeted with our muscle therapy programs.

Walkaide® FES
Imagine freeing your child to walk barefoot without the restrictions of bracing.
Muscles are encouraged to work as they should.
The body connects with the world beneath it by allowing the natural input of sensation.
It's back to normal foot wear….or none at all.

Wearable Therapy™ can:
- Deliver medical benefits that traditional therapy cannot.
- Prevent medical complications so that the patient can more effectively participate in therapy.
- Improve and prepare the patient to undergo therapy or advance at a faster pace.
- Maintain the body between therapy sessions or until therapy resumes after the annual therapy allowance has ceased.
Wearable Therapy™ delivers unprecedented muscle activity and range of motion that increases flexibility.
Colin's Wearable Therapy™ Story
Colin is a 17-month-old baby boy who underwent hemispherectomy for seizure disorder. His left side extremities, as a result, are hemiplegic, weak, and show low functional abilities. In conjunction with his parents, doctors, and therapists, AxioBionics determined that an Upper Extremity BioSleeve would manage atrophy, spasms, and maintain relaxation and range of motion in Colin's arm. A Lower Extremity BioSleeve was also chosen to provide a measure against foot drop and loss of range of motion in his leg. Colin and his dad Brian flew in from out of town for an intensive 3-day evaluation, fitting and training session at AxioBionics.
Brian described the experience in an email:
"So, yesterday was a short day at AxioBionics for us, only two hours, for an interview and verification of key measurements. We had enough time after that to go tour The Henry Ford museum for four hours and Colin absolutely loved it. While we were out touring, the technicians were at work crafting the suit."

"Today was longer, and we spent 4 hours testing, evaluating and tweaking electrode placement. Colin's Super Suit is a very customizable set of two sleeves. One for his arm/shoulder and one for his leg.
Colin did extremely well during testing and never fussed during the whole four hours. The owner and his assistant commented at the end that in 60 years of combined experience they have never had such a tolerant and easy-going patient. That's our Colin. 🙂 He is not the youngest or smallest they've ever treated, but very nearly so. He is in a very small cohort.
Within the first five minutes of having the garment on he voluntarily raised his left arm (not just hand), getting his elbow well above shoulder level. I don't remember ever seeing that before. Looks like this is going to be a great therapy tool!"

"I tried it out before putting it on Colin and it felt like a strong tingle to me; startling but not shocking or painful. I believe it would be tolerable to Colin, even without factoring in his diminished senses in the treated areas.
Everyone at AxioBionics is very friendly. Colin was scooped up to tour the facilities and meet the staff twice during testing downtimes. They were quite taken with him and vice versa and I had a little trouble getting him back!
This has been a great experience. We're going to practice with the suit tonight and go back tomorrow for a couple more hours of final training and adjustments if necessary."

Consult with Us to Determine if Wearable Therapy™ is
Appropriate for your Child

"My daughter, Natalie, is 13 years old. She is diagnosed with spastic quadriplegia, or cerebral palsy. We adopted Natalie when she was 9 months old. She has been in therapy from the time we brought her home through the present time. She has been in a very intensive physical and occupational therapy program most of her life. We also actively work with her at home the days she does not go to therapy.
When we added on her Wearable Therapy™ muscle stimulation system, we quickly saw a noticeable improvement in relaxation of muscle spasms in the arm and an increase in range of motion. The arm no longer remains flexed; instead it fully extends to her side and the elbow and fingers are much straighter.
Even with therapy, she would not extend and purposely reach with that arm. Since using the Upper Extremity BioSleeve™, she now almost fully extends her left arm. She also will purposely reach with her left arm and tries to use it. We have her Upper Extremity BioSleeve on as much as possible during the day, every day."
– Betty Dubina, M.D. Mother and Pediatrician